There is a time to make things happen and there is a time to let things happen. But one should recognise the blurred line between the two. Pressing the right button on right time is the essence of successful life. Many a time, "TIME" is the biggest panacea for our problems. It becomes worthless to loggerhead against time. Going "hammer & tongs" can spoil the situation. Time set right all your problems / worries. But every time you cann't stick to this strategy. Punching on right time is all important. For some people this comes naturally without concious effort. For them everything happens on right time. Their lifes are like perfectly designed step by step even without their concious effort. I call their life a "Plain Vanilla" life i.e with no complexities. (I invented the word from "Vanilla call option). I envy them.
Averting some decissions may be temporary solution to your problems. But at times you finally have to "ring the bell". Some intricating knots of life, only YOU have to solve. You cann't pat your heart everytime by saying "ALL IZZ WELL" . As always I am in dizzy everytime the moment to take crucial decision comes. Why the hell, to every decision i see flip side simultaneouly. I have learned to put quantitative weights on evaluating every situation but lack enough vividity to have qualitative weight. Once the time is gone, it is incorrigible.
...And I wish you all to learn quantitative & qualititative methods of putting weight to your problem and solve the equation. My wake up call is alaramed ! Com'on Kairav snooze option will no longer do......