The new government has promised in their campaign "Achhe din aane wale hai" and lured 'young India' towards a change in government, thinking , system, economy , and overall gloom atmosphere prevailing in the country....
Good..! Change is inevitable. Positive change is always welcomed and it feels good people of india have come up together and responded towards democratic duty. But is this enough to bring "Achhe din" ? It reminds me of Tata tea advt "Chhoti duty kab nibhaoge Mr? There are some questions needs to be answered. How far is it desirable one man or say govt alone can bring "Achhe din" ? And that too people want in a magic wand. Good governance and good policies promises assurance not insurance.. It gives opportunity not a spoon feed.
But without the change within and true efforts of all countryman I doubt if we ever have our "Achhe Din" Youth today looks promising, honest, committed, energetic, tech savvy as against Luddite oldies. But still at point of time I sometimes felt afterall we have our genes of older generations. We lack patience and civic sense altogether. We claim ourselves honest and dedicated. But internally we all wear facade mask. We curse the corruption but won't mind to bribe traffic constable or a TT for a train berth. We curse politicians but won't mind evading our taxes. We always count on liabilities govt burdens but never realize facilities. Have we not taken benefit of influence on any day? If given chance won't we use shortcuts to jump the queue? Have we maintained civic sense on roads? Have we taken care to through waste in its place? Have we tried to maintain cleanliness on roads? Have we obeyed all rules in the system?
Unfortunately most of us have convenient rules. our honesty is also "convenient" Our actions are not synchronizing with our beliefs !
Yes to an extent we all are hypocritic in our honesty mask. I have seen people talking about change a system needs, even initiating actions to light the darkness but the same light is not seen in their actions. Shortcuts/ bribing/ influence / favoritism in our daily life has been woven. In hindsight also some do not feel we are doing wrong or illegal for such acts..
Its not enough to go & light a candle on India Gate & show agitation against Govt or the system. Untill & unless we change & make efforts no magician can bring "Achhe Din" on its own. I fully agree to the quote "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" but I say, it is always better to curse dim light if we can light "Brighter lamp"