Friday, May 12, 2023

Decision making crisis.


How to arrive on any decision

Tossing or flipping a coin and deciding the fate looks more filmy though sometimes acts as catalyst. Life is full of choices and individual face multitude of decisions everyday. Some are easy such as routine and regular and some other more serious like for instance choosing a career.

When situation are more complicated and have long term impacts it's easy to feel unsure and hesitant. If you feel indecisive about something and it's getting you down this might help. It may not be able to guarantee the outcome of a decision before you make it, at least you can know you put a careful thought into it. Remember, when you don't decide where you are going, life will decide for you

1. Don't let stress get the better of you - Don't go with the decision of mind or heart alone. Take your mind with your heart along and make decision.

2. Weigh the pros and cons - list pros and cons for each course of action and then compare them. Sometimes the cons aren't nearly as bad as we imagine.

3. Identify and rethink your goals and values - it's more important to be true to ourselves and what we value in life than to what society thinks for us. At any rate you're more likely to end up with an outcome you're happy with than a regret.

4. Think consequences - while considering each option don't just list the positives and negatives; write down any likely consequences or backfire of any decisions.

5. Talk it out- Get the perspective of your issue with the person whom you admire and follow and think who is prudent.

6. Rethink your options once again – and decide. Once decided never look back to the decision we left out.


I have made one question- answer matrix with (100) marks which also might weigh your option and help on arriving any decision.

Option- 1 v/s Option - 2

 Q-1 Whether you like it/enjoy doing it?

Ans:    (Yes - 20, May be yes-15

            No - 0, May be no - 5

            Not sure-10 marks)

 Q-2 Weigh decisions pros & Cons (Give marks as  per your analysis in multiple of 5)

 Q-3 Risk involved in decision

Ans:    (High – 5

 Medium – 10

            Low – 20)


Q-4 Whether the decision will fulfill my dreams/goals?

Ans:    (Yes - 20, May be yes-15

 No - 0, May be No-5

            May be – 10)

 Q-5 What will be our future in selecting decision?

Ans :   (Secure - 20, May be secure-15

Insecure - 0, May be insecure -5


More the mark - more inclination towards the option/decision.