Disclaimer:- All characters appearing in this work are real. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely intentional. Any hurt to the feeling to any caste, creed or religion is not coincidental but purely the problem of a reader.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friends #: 2

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Friends........in a way.

In cold winter night looking at the clear sky & twinkling stars my thoughts just travelled some 20 years of my life in jiffy moment. That's what it is amazing about our thoughts. It can go to anywhere & everywhere in a while without any restrictions.
I remebered all those friends who made mark to my life and was happy to know that I had such a long list but at the same time made me low when I realised no one was permanent. Most of them whom I loved are seperated either my distance or by situation. But they all are my best buddies without whom life would be very dull. It is said "Friendship should be like pendrive - easy to keep and difficult to search if lost" [Although pendrives also carry viruses easily is a different thing ;-)]
With broken family and being introvert & coy I never mixed up in relatives. From my early childhood my only companions were frineds. Through them I seen the world, through them I enjoyed, through them I learned, through them I made my persona. To begin with Sintu, u were my best neighbour. Punit oza, Jayesh, Karim, Jay, Parthav, Mitul u all are my friends since i used to pee in my half pants.
(To be continued.........)
Monday, December 13, 2010
"Expectations" - Dictionary told me it is "a belief that something will happen". And I interpreted that this "belief" as the root cause of lots of problems. Expectation is an monster to any relations. It is said by famous gujarati poet...'Harindra Dave' if i m not mistakened " Koi no prem Kyare pan ochho nathi hoto, apani apekshaoj vadhare hoy chhe" Humm.. looks good in listening. Equally true, if it's implemented, one can never feel low in his/her relations. But unfortunately its an character of saint which no laymen can apply it completely. If anyone is claiming he is an hypocrite or he is ignorant about his hidden self. (Check out Johari window-Again, an MBA Jargon)
Expectations only dries up when love withers away or when one is no more related to us. And if we are not living to the expectations of others again & again either the other is showing excess love or we are indifferent towards his/her love. That does'nt mean one should be overburned with our expectations. Its an mutual understanding and abstract cordination between any relations. Good correlation builts up strong base of relation.
No matter however practical & educated we are we can'nt resist ourselves from expectations completely. However harsh the naked reality is we all are selfish to some extend.
P.S : The topic is drafted as per my stand & any counterviews can be commented.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

- It hurts....when u realize you could have done better in your life.
- It hurts.... when you find the trusted ones breaking your trust.
- It hurts... when u realise you are surrounded by selfish influences and your friends are no exception.
- It hurts.....when u find your stupidity is been considered and chuckled as your foolishness.
- It hurts..... when u find yourself in a fix grappling whether to hold on something or to move ahead.
- It hurts.....when u u are not upto the expectations of your dearest one.
- It hurts.....when u find the person whom you loved solemnly contemplated you always as an option.
It gives pain and bruises when........."IT HURTS".
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I don't want to become that small kid who used to lost in black hole every evening staring at the sky with zillions of questions in its eyes, sometimes dejected with shy, stammering speech & horrible atmosphere around.
Subject & title goes oxymoron.
Check out two of my favourite snap of childhood....I also do not have many.....:-(

Saturday, May 15, 2010
Enjoying Failures

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Love -o- Meter
Introspecting the feeling further, many things can be churned out from it. You can call what call love when your mind is preoccupied with her thoughts almost 24 hrs a day (yes even in ur sleep), when you get smarter how to find new reasons to remain in her touch, when your heartbeats runs faster on finding her accidently, plan your talk with her & ending up with goof ups and all such things crazy...(Jesa filmo mein hota hai, ho raha hai rubaru..) Its when all the good looking girls on this planet fails to attract you. Nothing excites except her thought and even your sexual desires go into hibernation...Strange...but sweet torture.

Its strange to mention it in a blog but its good to love someone isn't it?? And after all its for some few people only.. When we hate someone we can easily blow trumphet against him/her but when we love someone its even difficult to tell the loved ones. How strange and intricating our nature is...My arguments to defend my feeling can be jotted as follows:
• Its a natural feeling (Atleast to common persons like me) You cann't put it in logical way. Somebody cann't be entered into your heart with careful examination/ test checks. If it is it's not love its ur "corporate recruitment".
• Its not needed one should love back to u. Its not a business of give and take. Still if u cann't stop loving, you are certainly in love.
• This not at all mean one should not even try to woo your love. Remeber the quote "whenever in doubt...DO IT" comes to my mind. Don't repent for rest of life just because you hesitated to express your feelings...
Her simplicity, cutness, ignorance and innocence (that's what atleast I would like to believe) perfectly darted right in the centre of my heart. Just got clicked....Lets see what the fate has in store......................
Sunday, March 21, 2010
"Fictional Work"
From several days Slok felt an unusual uneasyness in his body. Some kind of mysterious curiosity was fluttering from his face. Normally he was just a next door ordinary young boy but from last Monday, he is not in his full swing & looks perplexed most of the times. No, he already passed his puberty age long ago and it was definetly not physical hormone change he was worried about. Then, what was the thing that troubled slok??
He use to get up early (which he normally hates), always seen in circles of matured people to gather courage to clear his confusion and was having some wild dreams...(Don't misunderstood with "wet dreams"). His symptoms were corroborating his fear. And at last he gathered his full strength & put his confusions, doubts & questions to one of his experienced collegue. Verdict came out within fraction of time which "jolted" him............
Yes he was diagnoised without any guess. It was as fearful as some monster with creaking horns & nails to him. To him the disease was more abhorable & shameful than AIDS. Never in his clan got such disease. Slok was shattered with utter grief and the world to him came to an end. God punished him for he used to laugh, conceit and make fun of people with this disease.

Stories about excruciating pain & plethora of advice was flown towards him whoever was intimated with the disease. People told him never in his life he can enjoy mouth watering spicy foods. He must now have to restrain outside junk food also. It was like an end to Gourmet's paradise. He was also cautioned with the perils of disease....From 1st stage to 5th stage of the disease. That day Slok realized that there can also be more than 3 stages of any disease...And most pitiable part of the disease is not curable completely. You always have to be bound with restrictions. And the worst part is when you have to go to doctor for check ups. Its like being raped by a gay. Resonating images itself was aghasting for Slok.
With these worries (ofcourse playing bigger war in morning) he started eating less. Observing his weak body it looked he will get vanished alive. People near him began to ask about his weak body & pale face. Girlfriend started doubting his faithfulness being reclusive towards her. Family started doubting his conduct. His disastrous face could'nt be cam'ouflaged into smile.
Amidst all these, disease began to worsen and finally insecure prick decided to tread to doctor for help. With heavy heart & utter failure he bagan his slow but careful steps to hospital. His name was called and doctor to his worst expectation told him to put his pants off..............And then..............
Suddenly eyes lides were opened and he almost jumped into his bed. Hertbeats ran @ Kms per hr & sweat drops rolled from his face even in the cold morning. Yes, thanks a ton to God it was a dream...A NIGHTMARE rather. He bubbled and thank God for he was all perfect. He felt as if life is full of blessings. And he got up to ready for office and smiled scarstically for he was saved from a "rape". ;-)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
A wake up call !

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Playing "Resolution" game

Monday, February 15, 2010
To -
For me to profane it,
One feeling too falsely disdain'd
For thee to disdain it.
One hope is too like despair
For prudence to smother,
And pity from thee more dear
Than that from another.
I can give not what men call love;
But wilt thou accept not
The worship the heart lifts above
And the Heavens reject not:
The desire of the moth for the star,
Of the night for the morrow,
The devotion to something afar
From the sphere of our sorrow? - P.B.Shelley
Monday, February 8, 2010
"To Do" List
1. To keep my mom happy for the rest of her life.(Challenging task)
2. To quit my present job & have enough money to follow the work of my interest. (First of all to articulate my interest is a different thing.)
3. Have one vactaion to Honolulu.
4. To built up macho 6-8-10 packs (whatever) body.
5. Deleted
6. To have my own "Self Employed" charity foundation.
7. To have "Gift of gab" one day. (Find it out if you don't know the meaning of the phrase)
8. To love & to be loved by the people in my Fav. list
9.****************************(Too personal to publish on blog..And a lil weird too...sorry)
That completes my list. I want to repeatedly reminces myself my "To do" list to sustain my lingering purpose for life.I have conciously manifested to keep the wish list limited. Too long list can kep you uncontented & smaller one can endanger your purpose/aim for life. That's my ideology without being judgemental. What u have to say?????
Saturday, February 6, 2010
As You sow, so shall you reap.....???

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Living in Past can be good...!
- Quality time spend with childhood neighbourhood friends.
- Time spend with cousin brothers & sisters.
- Bapuji for pampering me endlessly.
- School friends: Unselfish relations, I love that eh?
- Teachers Pet..(Is that me???)
- Laughing aloud on silly things. (Who cares? Laughing is important right?)
- Last day of exams..(Felt like world war came to an end)
- Getting the highest grade in school and outstripping competitors. (Felt like winning an oscar).
- Winning tag of "good type boy" in family consistently.
- Crazy dance in middle of roads. (Lalbha you were a freak! We both needed to develop our careers in choreography.)
- Winning Mono Act competition for years in school. (there were lots of alternate careers for me you know, it was only i realised it later.)
- Dying to see porno pics. (Now even that doesn't excite me any more. And yeah that doesn't mean to doubt on my testosterone levels)
- Night outs with friends. Trying out all prohibited things by a taboo like taking drinks, smoke,non veg.
- Emulating wannabe cool attitude. (Later realised you cann't change a nerd into dude)
- Taking tuition classes. Thanks to my cutiest students. (Its unbelievable; even I could teach!)
- College crush. (Dash, you are still on my top chart)
- Rommies & friends of MBA class (I know many of would read this, so one has to mention you know)
- Persistent curiosity versus eternal laziness.
- And above all Childhood innocence!!!
Try it, your past is not always dismal and unsatiating........."Live in past" ;-)
Monday, January 25, 2010
On 61st Republic Day - Dedicated to "GREAT" Gujaratis

Hii all. The other day when I was busy engaged to my work, a friend called me up to give some "Good news". Proud voice from the other end came "Mare ghare babo avvano chhe" (I am going to be a father). Yes I know its customary in Gujarati to call a coming child "babo". But somehow that pharses ruffled my mood & without congratulating him I spurted on him "How do you know it would be a BABO and not BABY". Those words stamped to my mind whole day.
Here are some statistic of lapsided sex ratio.Sex ratio of India is 927 females, For gujarat the ratio is 919. Child sex ratio 878. These dwindling number forced me to look the families near me. Most of the recent cuddles are boy child. Surely something is going fishy.The issue has been rhapsodised much by the govt. But something is going wrong. Unravelling the root cause I came to conclusion that our social customs, Bull shit values & lame family system is responsible for it (of which we are soo proud.)
I don't understand what the fuck these marons will achieve by having a male child & what they will loose if they have girl child. Male child runs the clan argument is a total shit.Expecting a care from a son in old age is purely a business.Yes, this kind of dilapidated thinking still prevails in our society after 60 years of "REPUBLIC INDIA" Even from younger generation of my age I have heard "Amare to banne sarkha (Boy- girl equal)" but somewhere in corner of their mind coveting for boy child. Bloody hypocrates. They don't know they are landing up in big trouble in future. Forget the consequences morally also how can we do this kind of hineous acts.
And yes we only are responsible for the dwindling statistics. Poor people will not have such fortune to create imbalance. (Highest sex ratio in gujarat is in Dang - Tribal population). This is gruesome...Shame India Shame......
Friday, January 15, 2010
Week in an "Art of living"
The only inspiration behind writing a blog, is to make my friends aware about my life & routines. (Its a better way to to remain in a "mass touch"). Hence round of applause to all my friends viewing my blog...... Last week, I attended Art of Living shibir. I would like to share my experience over there. It was a basic course & according to me basically meant for depressed & dejected persons desperately seeking happiness. What motivated me to join only God knows. It was although in my "to-do" list since long. Perhaps I was fed up with my routines & want to make myself believe I am still alive. Some 60-70 people attended the shibir. Most of them were pot bellied middle aged trodden down under the worldly pressures. These different creatures came up with different purposes. Some attended the seminars just because to attend such seminars nowadays are in vogue. There were also some over enthu people which made the shibir more interesting.