For somehow principles of "The Secret" never applied in my life. When I wanted something desperately, it never turned up. This time same thing is repeated. And yet another failure is knocking on my door. Universe somehow don't conspire me to get that thing. These failures are always hard to swallow specially if it's irreversible. Sometimes we have to accept our failures because of its "TINA" effect. ("There is no alternative"; HR Jargon) We also cann't learnt from such type of failures or can make it success in future, as it doesn't involve any mistake & its just depended on our fate.

But anyhow willingly or unwillingly we have to accept it. We cann't get everything we wanted. If it is, life would have been soo dull. There should be some motivation to run. Easily achieved things are never valued. Isn't it ???? Or if sometimes is achieved naturally we taken it for granted. It is also equally true after achieving our dreams/ desires we feel "Is this all I wanted???" This is life sweetened but not stirred well. Hence start enjoying the strivings and efforts to reach goal. Your happiness will get guaranteed. :-)))
Well I would say its ironical that the the secret though always worked for me, life still not much better/different. I always get things after I've stopped wanting them really really badly. So u r right thr! "Strivings" are more important. As Anand says, its all about the chase. Rest is illusion!